Plumage History

Evolve or be delayed by allowing the past, the dead, the expired
and the spiritually irrelevant to cling to you.

“a series of mantra cahier journals exploring the necessity to shed the old form you’ve held in order to become someone new, the acknowledgement of what’s hindered you and the need to disconnect from and disown it; the season of intentionally forgetting how to be who you’ve always been in order to form new memories. ”

shedding is an evolutionary act and it never happens evenly,
nor does it happen in the same way for everyone.

—hence the variations of shedding for each woman on the journals.

old and new cannot coexist in the same skin—one will negate or hinder or undo the other.

did you really think you could stay the same and enter your next season? did you think you could keep your old form and still call movement ‘transformation’?

shed the dead. shed the irrelevant.
shed the stuff that can’t feed
the new mindset you need to
journey soulfully.


