Frequently Asked Questions
Why does it take you so long to update your shop?
These journals are literal paintings. I don’t have them outsourced. I stain the pages by hand, sew/bind each book, then update my shop when I have enough completed. There’s no supply chain manipulation going on to “create demand” I’m literally JUST ONE PERSON. Furthermore, these hands move swiftly— but intentionally. I do not create to make a quick buck, but because it’s time. I live as balanced as I can with my family and they come first, which can also create some timeline pauses in my creative process. I thank you kindly for your patience.
Lastly, it’s important that I emphasize that hyper-production for sake of clout, influencership, or exorbitant wealth contradicts not only my personal convictions but also the nature of this work. Timeliness means that I spend time “practicing what I preach” which means I am living, sojourning, learning, and becoming right along with this work— I create when the time comes for me to do so.
I aim for once a month! Life happens. Sometimes I take longer than anticipated. Other times it’s “real job” interfering with my creative capacity. Please bear with me!
Also, as I stated above, I’m a woman sojourning for a purpose greater than capitalism which means notoriety-based production and corporately-sponsored influencer status are not the aims of my work. My workflow reflects this atypical, anticapitalist motive.
My shop updating retains the rhythm of one whose focus and determination cannot be purchased by the system. Furthermore, bear in mind that it takes about a week’s time to make a single journal, hence the stretches of time between the batches.
How often do you update your shop?
Teastained pages? What?
Yes. I tea stain the paper! On a constant basis thousandsss of drying sheets form a mountain range in my studio: a mounded, crinkly pile stained with tea over a several day period then dried for another several days. Then they're folded and bound and the rest is history...Your history, perhaps?
I love one particular journal design!
Could you make it for me?
So as to maintain the integrity of my work and the overall goals for the brand, I do not duplicate cover designs. I will make a journal for you from a specific series, though!
I want everyone to have the honest experience of knowing that she is the only one on the planet with a the book that's containing her story. If one a past journal design's message speaks to you we can work together to create something that's appropriate for your narrative! Tell me your story!
Are you available to lead journaling workshops in small groups or via zoom?
Absolutely. Let's do it! Send me an email and we'll work out the details.