A Note on Discernment
A discerning mind. You should be able to operate in a sense of “knowing” that does not lead you into voluntary compromise, preventable demise. We are equipped with a vigilant sense that causes us to see what is right and what is not—if we don’t use it, the result is calling the successive consequences “life.” —————————
Deepali’s Journal from the “Until this is Over…” series
Discernment atrophies by our living noisily, persistently exposing ourselves to images and ideas that desensitize our spiritual guard; by lingering with individuals whose bad decisions communicate with our souls (and ignoring the soul’s cry to make an exit...), and especially by excusing toxic passtimes with the fake “need” to “come down” or “chill” or “not think about anything right now.” You were designed not only to think critically but to ascend into a space of constant discernment. What’s really talking? What’s the name of the spirit that motivates what you behold? Should you be here...now? What’s the allegory of your journey and can you hear what’s doing the talking?
Yes, it’s a lot to think about. Yes, it means the realization that most of what surrounds you/ that you do/ who you hang around have to be severed from your life. You may even need to perform a C-section. The outcome is avoiding obstacles meant to distract you on the journey.
Discernment happens in a fearless, quiet mind: shut up, regard your life, examine the dynamics at work around you, and make wise decisions as to what you will do with your Self, with the insight discernment yields.
Live responsibly, responsively, discerning everything. Journey Soulfully.