Note: A War with the West
The journaling practice is a way of warfare against everything for which the West’s irreverent culture stands. They want us to forget who we are as brilliant, rich cultures and to assimilate with them into this vile, base, unjust culture of lies without ever holding them accountable. Simultaneously, they want us to “forget” what their ancestors did to ours and ignorantly donate our brilliance to rewriting history so they are less of the antagonist.
“...if we teastained women want to take our place as history-keepers, we must extricate ourselves from the western culture’s mindset. ”
We document not only ourselves as individuals but our lives as living histories, recollecting and keeping the memory FRESH as to who we really are and who THEY really are. In this way their hopes of desensitizing us to their evils is never achieved. Our journaling is keeping records they refuse to keep; is defying the amnesia they want our future generations to have by guaranteeing the stories of their violence and its mechanics never die.
If we teastained women want to take our place as history-keepers, we must extricate ourselves from the Western culture’s mindset. We must stop sympathizing with it and entrusting it with our children. We must begin to reject what it’s instilled in and around us as normal; what it’s given to us as “gifts” and “opportunities”. And we must return to who we are.