ttw: remember responsibly
1/31/19— Thinking teastained woman, remember responsibly: Memories come to mind for different reasons. Sometimes they are distractions from your path, a pretentious “remember when” to recall a previous expired form youve held to mind. Such “memories” are disrespectful to your metamorphosis. While some memories are reflective or sentimental, everything that “comes to mind” did not receive an invitation and should not get an audience with the woman you are today. Some memories are deflective to the vigilance necessary to the present; some use energy on what’s dead and gone to fulfill that “If I had been there...” or “If I could relive that moment—“ you can’t. Some memories are conjured by your subconscious as a means of escapism.
And yet, many memories are beautiful recollections of times past. Aged ingredients to your new stew. When they come to mind, bring out your finest china and have a meal with them, taking notes along the way. In the event of your journal writing, your memories become the stuff of your personal volumes of the women you’ve been: the autobiographies of each of them. Remember responsibly by discerning which memories are edifying and which are subtracting and distracting.
When you remember something ask why and be still for the answer. Document what you’re remembering and then conclude with insights on where you are and the season you’re in. If the memory’s contents are dismissing your progress, the things you’ve grown into understanding and the wisdom you’ve earned, then do not host them. Banish them from your mind. This is the stuff of Journeying Soulfully: remembering so you can know what to forget.