
Sep 2, 2014–Why comes to mind at 6:27am? Sit and find out... Sometimes our souls have things to tell us that we cannot hear in the high-traffic daytime hours.

March 10, 2015–11:26pm--...Even if you think it's not worth it.

July 29, 2015–You cannot live forgetful lifestyles and think one day you'll have memories. Beware the amnesiac cultures being imbued upon your seed.

Nov. 30, 2015–Teastain, coffeestain. Getting it in between classes.

Yes, it's that important: You can't afford to leave your journey to another's interpretation. Even if you have to pinch yourself awake or uncharacteristically imbibe a small coffee, make time to document yourself. You know you're full of narrative; time for a release.


night pulls truth from you