continuing: about vgb
As I continue making narratorial surfaces I would like to make some things clear:
First, this is a YAH operation. I am a believer in His power, made perfect in all of my weaknesses. I have never hidden this nor will I ever. Yahuah has given me this gift and I celebrateeee every day that He has connected me to the power of our keeping books as records of His supernatural acts of love and power in our lives. This isn’t “Chimene” because on my own back in 2013 I would never have grasped that journaling was far more than just putting words in a blank book. Vagabroad is nothing short of a miracle.
Next, I don’t promulgate journaling as a means of aesthetic or narcissism. This isn’t about being caught up with yourself and thinking so highly of yourself that you jot some notes to memorize your awesomeness. For teastained women our histories have been under attack. For Black women in the US our history has been so mutilated it’s demonic just how much we are dissuaded and discouraged from keeping notes on our journeys. That feeling AIN’T NATURAL, to live and produce generations without the conviction that they should have your written records.
Finally, we are in a state of urgency for our lives. Our written words cost us. Many of us have to push through mental illness, warfare, and other attacks on our minds, destinies, and time to be able to put words on paper. We are under attacks from a society that thrives on our forgetting WHO, WHY, and WHEN we are and losing contact with our Creator and our matriarchal mandate. Media is against us, we have subliminal messages rerouting our thoughts, and then we face voices that aren’t our own but sound like us telling us mess that sounds convincing but leads only to sulking and powerlesness.
This ain’t just journaling. This is strategy stuff. Battle stuff. Words that call things into existence and kill the enemies we face every day. We are documenting what the Creator gives us each day to continue—our journals are proof of our miraculous existence.
I thank Yah for this journey, this privilege to make journals that aren’t just journals for teastained women who aren’t just journaling.