genes,sis: return to your culture, dress, & lanuguage

(Salutations! As you know, I am deleting my IG posts and instead of backdating these introductory posts to the GENES,SIS collection to their original 2019 date here on the blog I figured I’d upload them for review in 2021 where their messages are no less applicable.)

Time to stop romanticising and investing in Western culture and its systems DESIGNED to keep us oppressed and going in circles of generational setback. One sure way we disempower it is by researching and returning to our respective cultures. We come from richness that has higher standards, spiritual center, familial connection, and reverent intentionality. However, Western culture and its systems dishonour us with “melting” us in; it takes fragments of our identity for enslavement and appropriates the rest for commerce while genociding our peoples—the original source. There’s something violent, sick and twisted about such a culture and we have to stop being drugged with entertainment and money so we can call it out. If we are to begin freeing oursleves from this culture’s bondage we must emotionally and mentally abandon all affection for it and return to our own.

Western culture convinced us that how we dressed as peoples was barbaric (but who puts a SEAM between a man’s legs?), haphazardly gaudy and randomly selected based on baubles collected from our natural environment. But our dress was and is still code. It symbolized rank, told history, told time, and functioned to identify peoples within peoples. Our dress was not rooted in superstition or falsely conjured gender norms like corsets, bras, heels, etc.

Unlike western culture, everything about how our peoples dressed MEANS SOMETHING and was creatsd from time-consuming handiwork that reinforced the garments’ and jewelry’s value (ie not made by child slaves in China and Bangladesh). Our cultures’ dress isn’t a trend or costume. It’s cultural genetics. We must return... forget how they look at us for dressing “cultural” (as my mom and I were called in TX while wearing headwraps); and resist them when they make “dress codes” that categorize your lesser-ostentatious, wearable cultural expressions as “extreme”. .

We will nolonger be complicit in our erasure by causing our children to forget how we garment and decorate ourselves NATURALLY.

English is not a hued-man or “civilized” language. It is barbaric and full of curses and spells paying homage to death. There are so many videos you can watch on YouTube to learn more about this. “Grammar” comes from the word for book of spells, which is why we SPELL as part of our education. In this system we have weak-ends at the end of weak daze and “urn” a living; we a-wake (funeral party) in the mourn-ing; using curse-ive to write “sentences”... and on and on and on. English isn’t OUR language. It’s the oppressor’s language and when we use it ignorantly we ignorantly confirm and come into verbal covenant with our own oppression, with this matrix. As melanated peoples our languages have meaning. In every letter and every word and we speak LIFE and truth. We must return.

This is why Western culture hates when we break the curses of its language and use “Ebonics” (or Igbonics?? Hmmmm...). Our slang renders their curse-language null and void. When you say “What’s good?” Instead of the curse “HELL-O” you subvert their plan to have you curse yourself in a greeting. When you use verbal intonations like “mmmmHMMM!” or neologisms like “aight” instead of full death-sentences you are dismantling their matrix, sabbotaging their design for you to maintain your low vibration with their language. It’s also why they still do everything they can to demonize and barbarize Pigin English and Patois.

Your body naturally disagrees with this language. So when they tell you (especially Black women!) that you aren’t “nice” you always resisted it: “Nice” means stupid, ignorant, unwise. Study any other NONWESTERN language and you find substance, code (in Sioux “wasicun” translates into “steals all the fat” and “white person”), connection to the earth (in Maori “whenua” means earth and placenta), and connection to fellow hue-mans (in Hebrew—remember real Hebrews are not Europeans— “shalom” literally translates into “dismantle the seat of chaos that has been established”). What are some words in your tongue? Share them below. .

(reference videos: Dr. Mumbi “Colonial Languages have Take Your Power” and Laura Airica “Secret Spells of the English Language”)


genes,sis return to your books


Genes,sis: Introduction