the fuzz and overgrowth
As teastained women we have to make time DAILY to ask hard questions about the lives projected (yes, like a projector) before us as reality, normal, and truth. It’s a task that mandates making a reality out of upsetting ideas that have been the “foundation” of our existence. How much do you believe about yourself that’s been imposed on you by the culture of white supremacy? No, it doesn’t belong to you, it was thrust upon you and your foreparents made due with it and passed a hybrid, reactive lifestyle of surviving it down to you. Do you love yourself enough to find out who you are apart from white violence, from the loudness of genocide to the silence of its microagressions? How much of what you have sworn allegiance to is based on family narratives rooted in foolish stories merely imposed by colonization to maintain mental slavery? Are you really ready to #SHED or is the fuzz and overgrowth of deep-set ideologies comfortable?
Decide now, because once you begin unlearning, you become accountable to the truths you learn. When you learn music is full of spells, you’re accountable to the music you decide to keep listening to and expose to the ears of your unborn. When you learn disney movies were created by a pedophile, you’re accountable to that energy accessing you and your children. When you learn christianity was designed to make and maintain slaves with weekly distracting motivational speeches that don’t teach you how to do spiritual warfare, you are accountable to what you choose to ignore just to maintain a routine or a family tradition.
See why so many decide to stay ignorant, stay with what they know/don’t know? What do our daily choices maintain for us? How much do you have to #SHED so you can truly Journey Soulfully? Your transformed self has an inheritance to leave your descendants—#SHED so she can emerge.