Process in Secret

Sometimes I make the mistake of talking to people about what I've been through too soon instead of writing it down. "You sound bittter" is usually the response. ——

...Not bitter, just processing. ——

But I've learned (and have witnessed) that processing aloud can resemble bitterness when it belongs in private documentatiom (instead of floating in another's mind). It's like how only the tree can comprehend the pending potential of its unripened fruit. In my mouth the fruit would be bitter because I'm having a taste before the fruit's been sweetened by time. However, when the fruit has ripend it's ready to be eaten; it's sweet to taste. ——

The same is for your story. Everything won't make sense to everyone right away. Everyone can't handle what your mind's still handling. Don't force the relevance of your narrative on someone--it'll only be bitter fruit.



Journaling the Diabolical: Why?

