Quarantine: “Enough” Time…
March 21,2020–In this time of quarantine, let us use isolation wisely. Finally, we have “enough time” to JOURNAL. Wisdom is required to navigate such a vast moment into regeneration instead of into dissuetude. No OD’ing on movie streaming or wasting energy freaking out over that which we couldn’t control if we wanted to when we can use this time to completely reset. We can use quarantine to use limbs we haven’t used since phones became smart. We can learn to love long conversations or write more than 1/2 a page in our journals. What a RARE boon!
We can undo short attention spans, catch up on sleep, be be productive in ways more creative than capitalism’s brutality on ourSelves, unhealthy eating, and unloving behaviors with this. We can forget who/ what needs to be forgotten and create new memories. We can learn a language. We can cultuvate spiritual gifts. We can repent and renounce, break generational curses, take social media breaks, confess to people who we need to be made right with, read, completely starve out self-depricating or sinful behaviors to.
This world is coming to a pause that happens in the extremeties of capitalistic exhaustion; intergovernmental fatigue. And yet, now is our time. We can come out of this DIFFERENT human beings. I’m NOT saying the world will get any better —but teastained women, WE CAN. Let us be responsible with this opportunity to pause.