Thinking Teastained Woman: Decalcified Pineal Gland
Thinking Teastained Woman: declacified pineal gland, deprogramming from lies— Know that the more truth you walk in, the larger the target on your back. That’s why we keep journals. Morbid though it may seem, you’re either perpetuating a system of lies or you are operating against it. In the latter scenario it is required of you to document your journey, struggles, strategy, hope, manifestos…
Someone beyond you must know everyone in the history before them did not simply go with the flow, did not put their head down and agree with what media and government told them. Your countercultural theories, your hopes that make violent people uncomfortable, your critical thinking that speaks out of turn, your wisdom cultuvated outside of institutions—these make you a pariah in a society that needs its citizens doped up, entertained, and derailed by a singer’s new album. Some of us are assigned to write like one day we might—just might—be imprisoned for what we believe about dismantling systems and changing culture to bring true freedom. Some of us must write a will just after we document what the times are showing us about powers’ control and how we must resist them.
Outside clothing sales, celebrity beefs, new tv shows with brown people, and fashion weeks, many of us must choose to maintain this vigilant perspective so as not to be distracted from our prophetic, poetic, literate, sober roles in our generation. Those of this ilk, keep writing, keep vigilant. You are not crazy, you are ahead of your time and on time all at once. Your writings will guide humanity into a new day.
(Every one of us should know Lucy Parsons. If not, go read on her vehement, revolutionary anticapitalist movement and her assassination by the US. Her house was still smoldering when the FBI confiscated her journals—that’s how powerful her writings were. They would have changed our minds and perpetuated her revolution. Image via