evolving into yourself

Feb 14, 2019– When we are shedding the expired woman of the past to become the woman for this new chapter in the journey, we must be resolved to not run back to protect and preserve lifestyles and decision-making patterns that are convenient because they have been memorized.

Old ways must be shed because their reactions and responses will be your hindrance in the new chapters. The new “you” won’t be easily offended, distracted, or adrenalized into fear. New you can see and think clearly because she has let go of bitterness’ triggers within her, and the excuse of being able to carry herself a certain way because of what someone did or said to her in the past. Past pains and struggles aren’t meant to give you excuses to live subpar; they are the content of your history book. But this old “you” cannot write that book because she enjoys being able to excuse her actions with what has happened to her. She enjoys not being accountable or assertive.

The product of certain life events cannot always remain with us or there is no evolution. Once, you had to be in survival mode and that gave you a certain skin that was perfect for that last chapter. Now, the new woman underneath that skin is telling you to SHED and author a new story with AUTHORity over those memories and without their control over your actions and emotions. What will you decide?


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