Volumes like Enoch

In The Book of Enoch, Enoch, while in the 10th heaven sitting at the feet of the Most High, writes 366 books on the faults, ways, and proclivities of man.When he returns to earth he gathers his descendants and tells them that, bulky and burdensome though his books may be, they were to carry the books everywhere they went so they could lead wise, guarded, honest, upright lives. 

 Like Enoch, I have grown into the belief that wise matriarchs leave libraries and make their descendants keep, carry, and study them.  One generation can foretell another; there’s nothing new under the sun, so let’s preserve the truths baked for us beneath its rays during our times before it rises over our next generation. 

What we experience, remember and overcome are historical landmarks for the ones we’re carrying in our wombs right now; they are witnesses and benefactors to what we choose to overcome, permit to enter our souls, to compromise our peace, to hold our pen or turn our life’s pages.  Imagine that being the power of our completed journals: libraries to keep our progeny on the right paths, inheriting because they are guided by our archived wisdom.

May we remember that we can speak volumes with our volumes.


Keep the Connection


evolving into yourself